
Artists for Life Levels of Affiliation 2.0 .pdf File

What does it mean to be “affiliated” with Artists for Life?

We bring together artists in our common cause: the defense of the defenseless, the celebration of Life!

This allows us to communicate, network, and support each other.  We then will use our combined talents,
vision and faith to impact our culture for life.

United Collaboration – Examples of How We Support Each Other

– We can work together on events which showcase artists and their work
– Collaborate on exhibits, concerts, artistic projects, and events
– Network and fellowship online and in person
– Cross Promote each other’s web and social media platforms
– Support the work of Cherish Life Ministries

How can we defend the defenseless?  We can:

– Speak on behalf of the dignity of life whenever possible
– Produce events or artistic statements that attracts media attention to the Defense of Life
– Donate to life affirming efforts
– Encourage artists to become involved in a Life Ministry in church
– Educate ourselves and others on life issues (abortion, euthanasia, human rights, freedom of conscience,
elder abuse and neglect, the disabled, human trafficking)
– Support bills that defend the defenseless

Artists for Life Has 4 Levels of Affiliation

1) Friend
2) Associate
3) Partner
4) Patron

1.  “Friend” – Artists and Friends of all kinds!

In the “Friend” Level you agree to allow AFL to list you on our website as a “Friend of AFL”.  You will automatically receive our newsletter, any other messaging, and first notice of the next Artists CAFÉ and other special offers from our Artists.  There is no other activity required or expected.  AFL appreciates all levels of support and hopes to see its list of friends grow over time.

How to Join AFL as a Friend

1.  Fill out our application (provide link)
2.  Agree with our mission statement and our life saving beliefs
3.  Receive our Newsletter (monthly)
4.  Hear about our events first via text or email
5.  Be listed on our website as a Friend of Artists for Life

2.  “Associate” – Become an “Affiliated Artist”!

As an “Associate” of AFL you are featured as one of our Affiliated Artists!  Please fill out our AFL application.  To be an Associate you need to be a practicing artist – usually this means you have your own website and Catalogue.

AFL will include your image, bio, and a sample of your artistic catalog in our Gallery of Artists. You agree to post a link to on your website and we will post a link to your website.

How to Join AFL as a Associate

1.  Fill out our application (provide link)
2.  Agree with our mission statement and our life saving beliefs
3.  Sign our Affiliation Agreement (provide link)
4.  Provide a picture, your bio, and 2 images of your work
5.  Place a link to AFL on your website
6.  Join with events that Artists for Life sponsors or participates in

3.  “Partner” – Artists who want to partner with us financially – a win/win for each of us!

As an “Partner” of AFL you are of course featured as one of our affiliated artists.  AFL will include your image, bio, and up to 8 images of your artistic catalog in our Gallery of Artists.

A Partner is more than an Affiliate — they partner with AFL financially.

Examples of Financial Partnership*

– Allow us to resell your works on our website – we share revenues (subject to our mutual agreement)
– Actively promote AFL in your interaction with your audience
– You can create an original artwork for Artists for Life and dedicate the proceeds from the sale
– Suggest a text/donation from your audience in a concert
– Ask your fans to donate via Facebook or Twitter

How AFL will be your partner to promote your art

– Create an eCommerce capability in which your artistic catalog can be sold online *
– AFL will agree to promote your Artistic Catalog enthusiastically and in a manner and method which is mutually agreed upon
– Each month we “Feature” a Partner and their artwork on our front page of the Artists for Life website
– When you have a special event or new opening of one of your artistic works we will do an Email blast to our email list

*The items enumerated in this section will be negotiated individually with each Partner and will be subject to a separate agreement.

How to Join AFL as a Partner

1.  Fill out our application (provide link)
2.  Agree with our mission statement and our life saving beliefs
3.  Sign our Affiliation Agreement (provide link)
4.  Provide a picture, your bio, and up to 8 images of your work
5.  Place a link to AFL on your website
6.  We will contact you to work out the details of our partnership

4.  Patron – Donors to AFL

As a “Patron” of AFL you agree to make a donation to AFL.  A Patron is a voluntary affiliation and not all donors must be a Patron.  For those who wish to be in this category, AFL will have a special page in the website listing your name and a short bio if you wish.  (Anonymous gifts are of course thankfully received).

Types of Donations

Monetary donation
Artistic donation

Levels of Donors

Friend of Life
Advocate of Life
Champion of Life