Global Charter of ConscienceA Global Covenant concerning Faiths and Freedom of Conscience

Free to be human:

Our first freedom, and the key to living with our deepest differences

The Global Charter of Conscience has been drafted and published by a group of  followers of many faiths and none, politicians of many persuasions, academics and NGOs who are  committed to a partnership on behalf of “freedom of thought, conscience and religion” for people of all faiths and none.

A growing number of academic studies and reports show that “freedom of thought, conscience
and religion” is widely neglected and threatened today. A recent Pew Forum report*, for instance,
says that three quarters of the world s population live in countries where is a high degree of
menace to their faith – sometimes through government repression, sometimes through sectarian
violence, and sometimes through the mounting culture wars that we are now seeing in Western

Click here to view the entire .pdf of Global Charter of Conscience

By admin56