The most loving thing you can give to a baby is life
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Dr. Beverly McMillan is a former abortionist who left the abortion business. She spoke at a conference sponsored by the…
December 19, 2013 (LiveActionNews) – David C. Reardon interviewed many women who had abortions for his book Aborted Women: Silent…
In any given year, there are thousands of pro-life moments to celebrate. Reflecting on these moments inspires us to keep…
December 10, 2013 (Public Discourse) – Linda Greenhouse was, for many years, the New York Times’ Supreme Court reporter. In…
WASHINGTON, D.C., December 11, 2013 ( – Although it boasts that abortion represents only “three percent” of its overall activities,…
BRUSSELS, December 10, 2013 ( – A report that sought to declare abortion a “human right” and make explicit sex…
December 5, 2013 (Catholic Anchor) – For many Alaskans it was an unimaginable tragedy. An Eagle River woman allegedly gave…
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