Caitlin Jane


caitlin-cd-cover-sm“It is my joy and honor to be a part of Artists for Life. As a music recording artist, God has given me a platform to use song and speaking to advocate for the sanctity of human life.  Every time I sing is a chance to tell the story of the inherent worth we have in Christ, as each person is made in God’s image. I believe God gave me the song, “Unborn,” as a testimony to the value of life, especially the innocent unborn baby, and my prayer is that I can, through music, reach out to countless women with God’s love, hope, and plan for their lives as well as their babies. That is what Artists for Life is all about- celebrating the worth of those who experience and appreciate the art, because it all points back to the One first, true Artist of the entire Universe.”

– Caitlin Jane   Musician, Singer, Songwriter



Every once in a while, there comes upon the music scene an artist who stands out among the rest…Caitlin Jane is such an artist. Young, fresh, and vibrant—her energetic, endearing personality on stage, along with her poetic, creative song-writing has an effect on audiences young and old. With an eclectic mix of piano-driven pop tunes and melodic strings interwoven through many of her songs, she has a powerful voice, which is often compared to that of Natalie Merchant or Sarah McLachlan. Behind the pure and rich vocals there’s a profound message that speaks to listeners’ hearts.

Many have commented, “Where did this huge voice come from in this little young lady?” She has been described by listeners as “authentic,” “vulnerable,” and “anointed.” Hailing from Delaware, Caitlin has toured to cities across the country such as San Diego, New York, and Nashville, and has opened for acts including Todd Agnew and BarlowGirl. Whether solo at the piano, or backed by her Delaware-based band, each show is just as unique and dynamic as the last. Caitlin has a gift for relating to audiences in a wide variety of venues—from music festivals, such as Creation Northeast, to large women’s conferences, or to small-town coffeehouses. “The emotion in her music and depth of her lyrics makes Caitlin Jane one of the most gripping Christian artists today,” commented Ray Ruddy, President of the Gerard Health Foundation/Life Prizes.

Caitlin Jane’s first EP “Ashes Into Beauty” was released in 2007 while completing her studies at Messiah College. During her time at Messiah, she helped lead the Powerhouse worship team in its student-led, Spirit-filled worship hour every Thursday night in the old campus chapel. Those weekly gatherings are sweet memories for her, and helped prepare Caitlin for an ongoing music ministry. Her latest album, and first full length project, “Coming Season” debuted in 2011.

Her most widespread song to date is the “Unborn” single, along with its poignant music video, which has reached audiences in the United States and around the world, touching hearts for the cause of life. The “Unborn” music video, produced by Glen Elliott, won Gold at the WEVA Video Creative Excellence Awards Competition in 2010. Dr. Alveda C. King has stated, “Caitlin’s ‘Unborn’ brings hope and inspiration for life…for everyone.” The Unborn: Please Keep Me DVD, including special interviews and compelling testimonies, was released early in 2012.

Caitlin’s passion for the sanctity of life has also inspired her to be a strong advocate for Compassion International for many years now. She speaks with enthusiasm about her personal experience as a sponsor through this organization that releases children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Many groups championing life and offering hope have invited Caitlin to share her music at banquets and events. Caitlin reflects, “Music somehow transcends the barriers we encounter when communicating truth and faith. As we create through music and art, we reflect the Grand Author and Artist of everything, and we humbly bear His creative image. If I want to be authentic, then Christ must be at the center of everything I do. I pray that I never compromise on this. I want to praise God, who has captured my heart, with every chance I have.”

To learn more about Caitlin and her music ministry, please visit

You can also click here to listen to some of Caitlin Jane’s music!