Vera R. Scholtis


Vera R. Scholtis grew up in Germany during the time of Hitler ( whom she actually saw). There she learned from her mother, a schooled artist, many of the fine technics of drawing.   As a young girl she was appalled at the harsh disrespect of the Jews which were treated inhumanly, and often killed. Living through World War Two, was a living hell, as Hamburg, the port city where she lived, got some of the worst bombing, especially toward the end of the war.

It was disturbing to Vera the way teenagers were brainwashed into believing that Hitler was a hero. When they were forced off to war at 14 and 15, most did not return. Vera lost many friends. She left her homeland because of the destructive gov’t and the devastation all around her. She came very close to death from a bomb blast .

Vera came to America to live a better life, in a land of respect, opportunity, and freedom for all.  However, today, and for over 40 years,  she has seen the similar advancing of an ever bigger government with a pattern of complete disrespect toward our ” unwanted,” pre-born babies, as they had toward the Jews, Gypsies, and other “unwanted” people. Vera finds it Tragic that just like then, our own government has provided a legal path for the extermination of innocent human lives.

It is said approximately 6 million Jews were tragically killed during WWII. We have far surpassed that number since 1973, and have killed over 52 million  pre-born babies here in the United States alone. Vera now believes,  just as she did then then,  that decriminalizing the killing of innocent life does NOT make it right. God, says children are gifts.

Years ago, she found a way, even in extremely  difficult circumstances,  to keep her unplanned baby. Today, that baby, Renee, is one of her 5 children, who grew up went to college, got married and now also has 5 children of her own. Vera and Renee have always been the best of friends. They believe every child deserves to be given a chance at life and love.

Vera and Renee have been fighting for defenseless babies who have been targeted by abortion since 1973,  when abortion became decriminalized in America through the Supreme Court ruling, Roe vs Wade.

Christianity clearly , says “Though shall not kill”  in the 10 Commandments. Vera believes our only hope to end abortion and the destruction of innocent lives is for mankind to unite and stand together in our common cause.

Vera Scholtis is proud to be a founding artist of Artists for Life,  as she was there on 12/12/12 when AFL was born. At 90 years old now, Vera continues to promote a culture of LIFE and Liberty, for ALL.